Friday, May 18, 2012



My husband and I enjoy riding our tandem or finding nature trails to hike through and take pictures.  Our preference is a quiet trail where we can possibly see nature at its best, but this particular Saturday we had to compete with dogs, joggers, cyclists and ROOTS! 
After my third stumble and near fall, I started thinking about the path I was on and all the roots that had overgrown the path…thus I thought about my life and all the stumbles and falls and then I thought about the importance of those roots. 
Let me explain.
As I attempted to walk the path I had to focus on the ground rather than look around, so that I wouldn’t fall.  I became a bit annoyed at the roots that seemed to catch my foot as I walked and the distraction that they caused.  I was on this trail to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature and possibly see a critter or two, but I was forced to keep my head down to keep myself from falling.  

My life has had its share of stumbles and falls, some of which I have fully recovered and others will impact my life forever, but I have moved on from there and believe many lessons were learned.  I found a quote that helped me during those stumbles and it said this:
“Don’t let your past determine your future”
I’ve been determined to follow that and not focus on past mistakes.  However; that day I had to focus on the roots!  At times, something would catch my eye and I would look away and once again become entangled.  This new obstacle, the roots made me realize the importance of staying focused and knowing what lies ahead. 
Life can be hectic and things will come our way, but the Bible tell us in Proverbs 4:12

When you walk, your steps will not be hampered;
    when you run, you will not stumble.
Proverbs 4:12
It’s wonderful to know we have a Heavenly Father who’s there to help us along the path of life.  This scripture confirms to us as believers that he will order our steps and if we cling to him, we will not stumble.  Well, you might be thinking, Shelly, you stumbled. 
Where was God?  He was there!
I believe God allows things to happen as well as allowing man to have a free will, so I’ve stumbled, you’ve stumbled…I don’t know of anyone who could honestly say, they had not stumbled.  But, let’s not focus on the stumble or the root that took us down, but look to the Lord who will cause our steps not be hampered.
The further we walked the more aware I became of the importance of those roots to the trees that grew up alongside the path.  This was their life’s blood, their nourishment came from these roots that have grown and sprawled across the path to dig deeper into the ground to find their source. 
I then began to see things a little differently.  These roots that had tripped me up were providing life to those trees and those trees were providing shade to the path.  These trees were tall and their roots had dug deep. 
Again, my mind went to scripture and I thought of the verse in Colossians 2:7
Rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Those trees were big because of their roots!  I heard an illustration many years ago that told the story of a tree that had been planted and uprooted and replanted and after the third time, it died!  Being rooted means, deep rooted, or embedded. 
If we allow ourselves to be rooted in Christ Jesus, we will be built up and strengthened in our faith walk which will lead to an overflowing of thankfulness! 
As we ended our hike I thought to myself, I want to be deep rooted, built up and strong like those sprawling trees.  I want my roots to go deep where nothing will hinder me. 
It’s the tree with deep roots that can stand up against the storms of life, because the root system is deep and has embedded itself in the ground. 
I learned without roots we won’t last long and without being rooted in Christ Jesus, we have no hope!